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Special Events

Special Events with Featured Artist Polly Spenner


Thursday December 12 from 5 pm to 8 pm

Meet the Artist

Please join us for a first viewing of the amazing Woven and Painting works by Polly Spenner. Talk with the Artist about her methods of translation between illustration, painting, and jacquard weaving, in our new gallery exhibit

“Weaving My Own Ocean by Polly Spenner”.


Polly Spenner Instagram



Saturday January 18 from 4 pm to 8 pm

Opening Event and Artist Talk at 6 pm



Saturday March 22 from 4 pm to 8 pm

Closing Celebration and Artist Talk at 6 pm


SoCoSD_Polly Spenner_AHA_Dec 12 2024

Past Events for Featured Artist Nancy Hayes


Artist Presentations and show closing celebration

In-Person Event with Nancy Hayes


Saturday October 19 from 4 pm to 9 pm

Artist Presentation begins at 6 pm

Please join us to see Nancy's amazing paintings in the gallery and hear part 2 of her Artist Talk "Motifs, Hidden and Revealed".


Also celebrating SoCoSD Five year Anniversary!

A 2nd Artist Talk will be presented by Adrian Burke looking back at 5 years of SoCoSD in New Bedford! Thank you to all who have shared this wonderful journey with us since August 2019!





Past Events for Featured Artist Kiyomi Yatsuhashi

Sunday October 8, 2023 from 3 pm to 6 pm

Show Closing Celebration

In-Person Event with Kiyomi Yatsuhashi

No registration required

A chance to view the wonderful exhibit in the gallery and celebrate with our Featured Artist Kiyomi Yatsuhashi. Stop in anytime between 3 pm to 6 pm. We look forward to seeing you!


July 15, 2023 from 2 pm to 5 pm

Artist Demonstration

Rozome Japanese Batik

Demonstrating wax-resist dyeing


June 17, 2023 from 4 pm to 7 pm

Artist Presentation

Contemporary Expressions in Japanese Traditional Dress

Presenting methods and practices for kimono and yukata creation

Artist Presentation starts at 6 pm

Open Studio from 4 pm to 7 pm

About our Featured Artist Kiyomi Yatsuhashi

Kiyomi Yatsuhashi has been working with Japanese textile techniques including Rozome, Shibori and Indigo Dyeing for more than 20 years. Her work includes traditional crafts as well as large scale mixed media installations, and collaborations with visual and performing artists. Yatsuhashi studied Fine Art History at Tufts University, Studio Arts (printmaking, ceramics and mixed media) at the Museum School (SMFA), and Japanese Textile Dyeing at Kyoto City University. She has exhibited and collaborated extensively in Japan, Korea, Germany and the United States.

Past Events for Featured Artist

Agusta Agustusson


The project, as envisioned by Textile Artist Agusta Agustsson, is to make many crowd-sourced community quilts to support women’s health and reproductive rights. The “Courthouse Steps” pattern is a reference to the Supreme Court’s decision on Roe v. Wade in June 2022. Quilt Blocks continue to be made and are being assembled into many  large community quilts for display.

Featured Artist Event

July 30, 2022

Two events:

Sew4Rights.org Square-Making Event 12 pm - 3 pm

Augusta Agustusson Artist Talk -  5 pm

Videos of these events with be posted as we continue to support for Augusta's project. Please contact Augusta directly to participate.


Artist Statement

The Courthouse Steps and Sew4Rights Rage Squares
"I organized the Courthouse Steps and Rage Squares in response to the Supreme Court’s reconsideration of Roe v Wade. I didn’t want to create a solo piece. I wanted to amplify the voices of many women. The form was inspired by quilts in the Museum of Fine Arts exhibition, “Fabric of a Nation”. One was a signature quilt in support of women’s suffrage and another was a Gee’s Bend quilt of the courthouse steps pattern.
I also had a quilt in the exhibition, “Blanket of Red Flowers”. It was made in the Seventies, a heady time for women’s right. As I read about the Justice’s deliberations about Roe last December I knew that today’s young women would not have the rights and experiences I had as a young woman. I knew I had to show women’s voices and feelings. Rather than signatures as in the suffrage quilt there are words from women’s hearts. The courthouse steps pattern was the perfect vehicle for presenting these feelings.
When Alito’s opinion was leaked even though I was expecting it, I was enraged. The formality of the courthouse steps no longer seemed adequate to express the rage. Other women felt the same. The idea of Rage Squares was born. Women responded immediately.
The quilts have already been to protests. I expect them to go to many more as we work to undo the damage from this Supreme Court."

Past Events for Featured Artist Clare Tattersall


We had a great time hosting Clare Tattersall of ThunderLily, a digital Fashion Designer from the UK currently living in NYC. Clare creates wearable technology and applied components to animate her Fashions. We highly recommend anyone interested in tech, fashion and music, to follow Thunderlily and please view videos from our past events by clicking events tiles below. 


Closing Event and Artist Talk

Saturday September 25

2:00 pm - 4:00 pm

In-person event and then heading over to

RI Fashion Week!


Select event name below to view video!


Virtual Panel Discussion

Thursday September 9

7:00 pm - 8:00 pm

"The Relationship between 

Music and Fashion"


Opening Night Artist Talk & Demonstration

Thursday September 9

7:00 pm - 8:00 pm

"The Relationship between 

Music and Fashion"


Nancy Hayes 11
Kyoto Intl Art Exhibit 2010
Flourish.Kyoto. by Leo Gomez
ThunderLily Show Opening

Marine Heatwaves

by Deb Ehrens

Artist Talk with collaborating Scientists from

Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute: 

Caroline Ummenhofer, Phd. and Svenja Ryan, Phd.

Open to the public

Thursday June 9

"Art as Fashion / Fashion as Art"

First annual group show May 15 to 29, 2021

Click Names to Watch

Online Artist and Designer Talks

Alyn Carlson

Martha Jackson

Aleta Deyo

Amber Morrison, Adrian Burke and

Maryanne Meyservy

Jay Caldren

Laura McCarthy and Harry Umen

Marybeth Hanley

Leslie Goldstein

Wanda Miglus


NB Creative Instagram Take-Over

New Bedford Creative hosted SoCoSD for a full day Instagram Take Over.

Thank you New Bedford Creative!!
