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South Coast Surface Design (SoCoSD) is a new design studio and gallery space in downtown New Bedford, MA.

SoCoSD customers develop products for the apparel, home decor, stationery and action sports markets. We support regional and global manufacturing programs.

Our exhibits feature local Surface Design Artists and introduce national and international Artists to the MA and RI South Coast region. 

Our workshops provide access to specialized design education, offered by professional Designers and Artists from the region and beyond. 

Through public and private support, SoCoSD will provide a beneficial scholarship program to practicing Artists of all ages, interested in Surface Design and Product Design, as a possible profession, new enterprise or personal practice.

As a supportive member of the creative community of MA and RI South Coast, the SoCoSD mission is to make specialized printing services more accessible, promoting collaboration, exploration, and enterprise.


Please consider supporting our

Scholarships and Featured Artist Program

Click here to go to our "Buy Me a Coffee" page